Gibo Cafe

Cafes are great places to while lazy late mornings and afternoons in, so Rina and I found ourselves at the popular Gibo Cafe for lunch one day.

Gibo Cafe

Gibo Cafe

We were lucky to have the place entirely to ourselves for most part of the lunch and were happily soaking in the glorious sunshine at our corner table.

Gibo Cafe

The attention to detail present at the cafe was impressive. Each table – and counter seat – had a glass of napkins, a cheery sprig of leaves  and a little lamp at the side, which went well with the wood-themed decor of the cafe.

Gibo Cafe

We both ordered the grilled white fish with the shoyu cream sauce (1100 yen), which came with a gorgeously arranged array of handmade salads, a small cup of potato cream soup, and a steaming bowl of well-cooked rice.

Gibo Cafe

Gibo Cafe

Gibo Cafe

We opted to top up 300 yen for the daily dessert, which was a cheese souffle, that was warm, soft and melted in our mouths.

Gibo Cafe

It was a lip-smackingly good afternoon, with good food and great company and I look forward to my next visit to Gibo cafe!

Gibo Cafe
那覇市首里儀保町1-37 1階
Tel & Fax 098-988-8686
1-37 Gibo-cho, Shuri, Naha City
Opening Hours
11am to 8pm (Lunch: 11am to 3pm)
定休日 月曜日 Closed on Mondays

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